They're similar to trigraphs in the C programming language, just an alternate representation of a specific character. 字符实体类似于C编程语言中的三联符(trigraphs):只是特定字符的替代表示。
Effective execution of processes in project: Teams need to bridge the gap between process engineering and process enactment by using similar representation and terminology. 项目内过程的有效执行:团队需要通过使用相似的表达和方法沟通过程工程和过程制定。
From what she had said of her resolution to prevent their marriage, it occurred to Elizabeth that she must meditate an application to her nephew; and how he might take a similar representation of the evils attached to a connection with her, she dared not pronounce. 她说她坚决要阻档这一门亲事,从这些话看来,伊丽莎白想到夫人准会去找她的姨侄;至于达西是不是也同样认为跟她结婚有那么多害处,那她就不敢说了。
The underlying analysis techniques are similar& we use a lot of the same tricks in Java that we do in C/ C++ to analyze our representation of the software. 那是因为内在的分析技术是相似的!我们使用了很多与分析C/C++软件时相同的技巧。
In the paper the similar binary representation and qualities of the positive integers are discussed. 本文论述了正整数的似二进制表示及其性质。
One term I found especially interesting in BG or BG, in a similar representation with BC. 一来说,我发现有趣的,特别是在血糖或血糖,在一个类似的代表性与卑诗省。
The main result of this paget is, that every bounded non-degenerate representation of a C-algebra A on a separable Hilbert space H is similar to a-representation. 本文的主要结论是:在一个可分Hilbert空间H上一个C一代数A的任一有界、非退化表示相似于一个&表示。
R Company is a leading software industry; its business covers important national military and energy companies, and leads the technology level and market share among the international similar products in the software industry with a distinct representation. R公司是国内知名的软件行业,其业务涵盖国家重要军事及能源企业,技术水平及市场占有率在国际同类产品中领先,在软件行业中R公司具有鲜明的代表性。